It sure does sound pretty but let’s be honest, how in hell
are we supposed to live it when there are still people talking behind our back,
casting judgments, making up stories, spreading un-truths, challenging our
beliefs, cutting us off in traffic, doing us wrong, flipping us the bird….the
list goes on and on. How do we stay in
the “love is the answer” space when all this shit is still being hurled at
us? That’s the million dollar question
my friend.
I get it, I really do.
Some days I feel like I am one wrong, sideways look away from throwing a rock at someone’s pretty little
head. But then I remember that as a
functioning grown-up who likes to believe that she knows the difference between right and wrong, I need to at the very least, TRY to
love them and their pretty, sideways
looks. While I may not love 100% of who
they are 100% of the time, any bit of shared love is typically a lot better
than getting arrested for throwing a rock at someone's head...maybe....I
think. Stop that….no rock throwing is EVER good…. Do not throw rocks…or even sand….in fact, don’t even throw shade, I know you and you’re better than that!
Love and kindness and all that other intentional goodness is a choice and one that requires us to work at it every day until it becomes a habit (I’ll let you know how long it takes to become a habit as soon as I get there). I speak from experience when I tell you that consciously choosing this whole “love one another” idea is no small thing, not even for me and I’m the one preaching about and desperately trying to live it.
The truth is that I was raised by a mother who has taken finding the worst in people to a whole new level of awful and actually made it into her chosen art form. My mother could find fault with pure AIR so believe me when I tell you that I am working constantly and very intentionally to undo many years of having been programmed to see the worst in just about anyone. Maybe that’s why this is so important to me that I at least try to live in a head space that is the exact of opposite of what I was brought up seeing.
All I can really tell you with any certainty about love is
that it’s a choice, it aint always easy, it aint always well received… and
every single part of seeing and sharing it is a conscious choice that only YOU
can make. But if we do have a choice
between seeing the best in someone, giving them the benefit of the doubt while
elevating our mood AND putting good into the world OR finding fault and
judgment in everybody and being a crotchety beast wallowing around in the mud
all the time, doesn’t the answer seem simple and obvious? (unless you’re my mother) Of course the choice is clear…
So, I have an idea….and I'm thinking maybe we can do this together…..maybe today
you and I can decide that it is DAY ONE of our brand new “LOVE IS THE ANSWER”
Adventure. Perhaps we start with one
tiny step towards love by finding something good in everybody! For some of you this is as easy as taking a
breath, for others with a long list of people you believe have hurt you or done
you wrong, this might be a bit more challenging. Can I suggest you join me in giving it a try
anyway? Yes YOU. Right now!
Let’s do this!
Think of someone who
up to this moment you’ve always thought was sort of a sucky human being…or who
made you feel bad about yourself…or you can even pick somebody who someone else
TOLD you is a sucky human being but you’ve never really talked to them enough
to actually know what sort of human they are…you’re just being sort of judgy
and kind of like a robot who doesn’t really have your own opinions.…but I’m
not judging you because I feel nothing but love and you have such pretty
Anyway, picture that person as if they were standing right
in front of you…smile at them (a genuine smile, not the serial killer kind of smile
that you usually share)….look deep into their eyes and tell them one thing you
absolutely love about them….yep, I said it….
TELL THEM what you LOVE about
them (stop freaking out, this is an
imaginary exercise designed to get you to start looking for and ultimately
finding the good in EVERYBODY and guess what, nobody is forcing you to play
along, this is all voluntary so stop complaining and find the good).
Did you see yourself doing it? Did you see the look of shock and awe on
their face? But wait…did you also see a
hint of a smile form on the sides of their mouth? I saw it!
Yay for you! You made someone
happy today…well, an imaginary someone….but at least they were happy.
Now be honest, I know that it gave you a fluttery stomach
ache for a few seconds, but then didn’t it feel fabulous to say something nice
to somebody who is probably only a jerk because somebody made them feel like
they aren’t worthy of your compliment to begin with? (seriously, I do not excuse them, but do you
really think bullies begin their lives as bullies or do they maybe get to that
mean place as a response to how they were treated first? Think about it…the world needs more love dammit! Even and especially the bullies.)
Since I know you were about to ask, yes, I actually do get
tired of trying to keep up with and outsmart the shitty people. I find it requires a hell of a lot less
effort to be nice, I really do. Just the thought of plotting in advance how I’m
going to be mean to somebody makes me tired!
(Did I mention that I’m a Scorpio and YES, we most certainly do plot
these things in advance…. Did you really think we were all just spontaneously
witty? Ha…not so much)
The easiest thing when we feel crappy about ourselves or are
in a bad mood is to try and spread our lousy mood around because as the
negative old saying goes, “misery loves company.” But think about it, how selfish do we have to
be to think that our mood is the only mood that matters and that if I’m feeling
bad than you damn well better believe you’re going to feel bad too! Really?
Now who’s the shitty person?
That’s just rotten and you and I are NOT rotten. Yes, we’re bruised and tired, and our
feelings might be hurt and we might really want to hurt someone else’s feelings
so they know how it feels, but nobody can ever really know what we’re feeling
because they are not us and we all experience things differently.
So stop expecting everybody to drop everything and feel the
way you do do….it’s not going to ever happen!
The closest you’ll get is maybe some empathy, or perhaps if you get
really dramatic, you’ll be on the receiving end of a fabulous pity party, but
do you really want people feeling sorry for you? Probably not, but if you do, this blog is
certainly not going to help you at all because you don’t really WANT to be
helped, so you should stop reading and go find something else to occupy your
We’re closed.
Anyway, I digress.
How about instead of peddling anger and grief, we skip all that nonsense
and go straight to the good stuff… What
if we went out of our way to try and leave every single person we meet better
off than when we found them? Maybe that just means ten seconds of looking deep into
their eyes and offering them an authentic smile, one of those smiles that lets
them know that they have been truly seen!!! YES TO BIG BEAUTIFUL INTENTIONAL SMILES!!!!
Let’s get fabulous new shoes and intentionally take the road less traveled….let’s hold hands and get in there deep where the truth and unconditional love lives. It’s so much prettier there and I think you’ll agree with me, happy, fluffy, candy, coated love feels so much better than jagged, cold, toothy, snot nosed anger!!! (how’s that for a visual?)
Love is the good
stuff baby! It’s the Tootsie Roll or
Bubble Gum at the center of the lollipop!
It’s the cheap and crappy fabulous surprise in the bottom of the Cracker
Jack Box (or cereal box if you are too young to know what Cracker Jacks are). Love is all those extra quarters and dimes that come back when you pay
exactly what you’re supposed to pay at the automated toll booth on the Illinois
SkyWay and for whatever reason, you magically get a pile of change for no
reason. (Or so I’ve heard)
Love is AWESOME and once you get a little you want more and
more and then all of a sudden you have so much that it spills over the top and
you wind up giving some away because there just isn’t enough room in your
beautiful heart to hold all that love…and since you’re a responsible
and kind grown-up, you know that anything worth having is always exponentially
better and grows SO MUCH bigger when it’s given away. WOW!
How great is love?
I was right all along (surprise surprise)… really is
the answer. (Insert bubble machine bubbles here)On the other hand, anger and judgment and all its other mean-girl, negative friends, well they are like the cold, hard brick walls of a prison….a dark prison that you build for yourself and for whatever reason, keep hurling yourself into no matter how much it hurts….because it’s a bad habit and you keep forgetting that some habits are made to be broken (or is that promises? )!
And guess what else is true? You probably don’t even remember this, but you can leave that shitty prison of yours any time you want to, you’re the one who knows the way out…you’re the only one who has the magical mystical key.
So, what the heck….the choice is yours….and mine…. Cold, ugly, void of human emotion, self-imposed anger prison or big, beautiful, fluffy white clouds and multi-colored candy covered love? You choose! If you chose anything but love, choose again….and again….until you choose love.
If I were a gambling woman, and as a matter of fact, I am a gambling woman (not often, but often enough to be able to say that I AM a gambling woman…even if they are only nickel slots) I would bet that you always choose love because YOU are a fabulous human being with a heart as big as your imagination can see (bigger) and I instinctively know that no matter what you might have previously chosen for yourself yesterday, you suddenly realize that today is a beautiful, brand-new-world-of-possibility day and you have known all along that love really is the only answer!!
How amazing does this feel? Yay for us!! We’re intentionally shiny, happy, love
sharing and love living people and we’re just getting warmed up! WOW!!
We’re about to permanently move into the most magical heart space
because where there is love, there is always Happily Ever After
possibility….and we can say so because now we know so.
So now you know all the really important stuff my friend, but
it’s up to you to get out there and live it!
Love has the capacity to literally fix every single thing and change it
into twinkling, sparkly, glittery beams of rippling, never ending bliss filled
light. But first we have to decide to BE
love….give love…receive love and yes, find love even in the darkest, saddest,
scariest and heart-breakiest of places….
No matter who, no matter what, no matter where and nope, don’t
even bother trying to ask why because the reason is always the same….love is
always the answer!!
Wishing you bliss and blessings!
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