Welcome to my brand-new adventure into blog land! Would you believe that I initially created
this blog back in 2013? I recently decided that I miss writing but my old blog and all those posts from what feels like another life just aren't ME anymore. So with no shortage of changes happening in my life right now, I thought it was time I gave myself permission to give my
blog a fresh coat of paint too!
Have you ever felt like you just needed to wipe the slate
clean and start fresh from right where you are versus trying to pick up where you
left off? That pretty much explains where I am right now. I don’t feel like looking backwards anymore because
I can’t wait to see what is right in front of me, and what might be waiting somewhere up the road
a bit.
Suffice it to say, creativity in just about every form is my preferred means of communicating who I am to the world. Whether it be through writing, mixed media art work, tarot cards, the Hebrew alphabet or just sharing a glass of wine and some good conversation, I see my life as a creative process and my role in it is just to share whatever goodness that I can and hopefully leave it a bit better than when I found it.
I think that I am an artist, a writer, an entrepreneur, a seeker, an
observer, a student, a teacher and most of all…ever evolving and God willing,
growing! But to be honest, I feel like I'm sort of done with all the self-imposed labels and trying to squeeze who I am into a little box...my soul just can't exist that way. Instead, I'm just going to sort of lean in, put my best forward and see where the road takes me. It's so strange that for the first time in my life, I find myself at a place in my life where I no longer wish to try and control the outcome for anything. I just want to enjoy all of it!As I write this, I am getting ready finally, this Fall of 2017 to close up my shop/studio and move my Ruby Slippers Creative Space back to our property and into the little art-full cottage next to our pond. I am looking forward to bringing my creativity back home where it belongs and being able to host Magical Creativity Workshop Events, offer a bit of Intuitive Soul-Full Consulting and just be here where I am always my happiest!
I’m really grateful that you stopped by and I hope that we can get to know each other a bit! In the meantime, and from the bottom of my heart, I want to wish you good health, authentic happiness, unconditional love and an abundance of blessings beyond your wildest dreams!
Wishing you ALL good things!
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