Tuesday, August 15, 2017

It's Tuesday....Let's Talk Tarot.

 Holy cow....I don’t think I have ever been this self-conscious as far as sharing a piece of something SO important to me.  But if I have learned anything at all in recent months, it is that life is short and we really must do what makes us authentically happy.  If we never step into who we absolutely know we are meant to be, then honestly, what is the point? 

That being said, it is after many deep breaths, far too long steeped in contemplation and a lot of reassurance from my husband that I would like to introduce you to the new addition that I will be offering at Ruby Slippers; Tarot Cards (pause for reaction). 
Before you jump to judgment or click “unfollow,” or “unfriend” might I ask you to just indulge me and read on a bit...it's so important to me that you understand what this is all about, and what Tarot is truly about versus what you might have been lead to believe….  In my heart, regardless of what others have tried to use them for, Tarot is not, nor has it ever been about fortune telling, divination or sitting across from you with a crystal ball and offering wisdom about what is going to happen in your life next month.  The insight and clarity that Tarot and a good reading can offer is actually far more valuable than that! 
I’ve been in love with, fascinated by and connected to Tarot Cards for as long as I can remember….and I mean that quite literally.  I think I was 6 or so when I got to hold my father’s deck for the first time and “play” with them.  The size of the cards being so big in my tiny little hands, the beautiful illustrations…I was smitten from day one.

I fell so in love and got so comfortable with them that in 6th grade (after winning an argument with my mom and dad about sharing the cards publicly) as a class project I did a visual presentation on the Tarot right down to a sample reading for my 6th grade teacher…. Obviously, the reading (back then I thought of the cards and their layout as more of a fun game with no ending) was a simple one done from a 6th grade point of view, honesty and maturity level.  However, I was always a wildly insightful child and unknowingly must have struck some sort of a nerve because the teacher (who, by the way, initially liked the idea of Tarot cards) gave me a terrible grade and I got in big trouble for bringing “witchcraft” to school.  My parents were called in to explain and defend this “black magic madness,” and we were all reprimanded.  It was a very confusing experience because they basically threw the book (cards) at me!   That’s the first time it ever occurred to me that the cards could be interpreted or used as anything other than pretty pictures that helped to tell a very imaginative (I now know this to be replaced with the word “intuitive”) story.
Tarot and I have had a solid and loyal relationship for close to forty years and in that time, I have done numerous and acutely accurate intuitive readings for friends and loved ones alike.  For me, the cards have never been about magic or witchcraft or any sort of a dark practice.  Instead, they are more like a wonderful way to blur the lines between our conscious and subconscious minds and help to get us in touch with our PRESENT selves versus trying to predict the future.  If used correctly, they can help to peel back a few of the social masks many of us have gotten far too comfortable wearing and invite us to reveal our true nature as far as what is really happening in that big, beautiful heart of ours. 

My goal with Tarot is to bring clarity and understanding while helping to shine a light on areas of our lives that might need a little more attention or truth.  I love to use Tarot as a tool for opening up a dialogue and getting my client to really step into his/her own current story rather than being a spectator who is merely watching their life happen or choosing to be a victim of it. 
Tarot is about honesty and insight and perhaps a fresh set of eyes helping to reveal things happening within and around you that can offer powerful lessons and opportunity for life-changing growth.   Tarot has the ability to be one of our most valuable resources for personal development if we are willing to really listen and learn from the messages and insight they reveal. 
I like to think of Tarot as that one really good friend you can count on to always be honest with you even if he/she knows you might not love or want to agree with what you are going to hear.  Her intention is never to hurt you, quite the contrary, she wants what is best for you, so the only way to get to that place is by offering you the gentle truth.  

As with anything else, the reading and intuitive accuracy are only as good as the person holding the cards and after almost 40 years, I like to think that I know what I’m doing!  A true Tarot reading is not about an instruction manual and a booklet offering card meanings.  It is instead about inviting our own intuition and divine nature to be our guide and teacher.
I understand that for many, Tarot is sometimes seen as offensive and lumped into a category with Witchcraft and dark magic.  (just ask me about the first time I showed my husband my deck of Tarot and explained what he was looking at) The truth is, we can look at just about any religious or spiritually based group or teaching and find a way to make it into something shadowy and negative when used the wrong way or for the wrong reasons.  My intent has always been to rely on Tarot as a bridge and a pathway back to our most authentic selves.  I like to think of myself as both a facilitator of understanding and change as well as a cultivator of awareness. 
During the course of a reading, I won’t be able to provide you with the winning lottery numbers, but I can and will help guide you backwards up to the present in order to recognize your truth.  By working together, I can then show you how to lean forward into your life so that you will see how a few changes or adjustments might take you on a fabulous new journey towards creating and embracing the very best version of your authentic self.  It’s truly a remarkable and often life-altering experience if you invite it to be.

One of the questions I am often asked is, where do religion and God figure into all of this?  Now I know that what I am about to say might offend a few of you, so I apologize in advance, but I do hope that you will respect the manner with which it is intended; my personal opinion…nothing more and nothing less.  My truest belief has always been that we are each, every single one of us, created in the likeness and image of God.  In my heart, God, Source, Spirit or whatever you choose to call it, has never been something that is OUT there…. Instead, I very much believe that we each are born with a beautiful Divine spark glowing deep inside of ourselves that acts almost as a powerful light connecting us to the Source of all things; God and yes, even one another. 
I believe that we are each Divine beings on a very individual, very personal human journey.   I also believe that Tarot has the ability to serve as a wonderful vehicle to re-introduce us to our own Divine spark while bridging the gap between our conscious and unconscious minds.  The Tarot puts an end to the great divide between the Divine and ourselves by showing us that we each carry the spark of God within.  The moment we were spoken into creation, we were born of and in the essence of God.

Amidst the chaos of real life, some of us, myself included, have a harder time remembering the Divine fabric we are woven from and are a part of.  My job, my responsibility as someone who has a deep understanding of Tarot and the insight they offer, is to help you re-member who you are and to shine a big sparkling light on the unlimited happiness and blessings that are already at work and available within your own life.   The truth is, you are created as Divine possibility, my job via my work with Tarot is merely to help you step firmly into that truth and assist as you weave its potential into your everyday existence.

If you have any questions or would like to set up a private consultation, please contact me via phone, private message or email!   Your privacy is of the utmost important to me and I treat every inquiry and reading as a sacred experience to be shared only between you and I!  Please know that your information will never be shared, sold, or otherwise. 

I look forward to working with you soon!
Wishing you an abundance of bliss and blessings,



  1. Three simple words .... Proud of You!!

  2. Replies
    1. Yay!! Thank you so much Holly. What a fabulous statement to read...and a wonderful way to start my day! Thank you!!!
