Friday, January 5, 2018

The Magic IS the Mundane

My dearest lovelies….Some days are for confronting the really big questions; today is one of those days and THIS is one of those questions.  How passionate are you about your life?  Seriously.  When you take a step back and really look at your life, do you get excited?  Do you see it as a privilege?  Aa punishment? Or are you just sort of in it drifting through the days unconsciously waiting for the magic to find you? 

Several months ago I started to ask myself the same question and I have to tell you, it’s sort of changed everything. 

For reasons I don’t completely understand, a lot of us, myself included, subconsciously wait for some sort of catastrophic event to happen before we are shaken up enough to recognize that things are not working…or that we want more…or that we just want to feel something that resembles enthusiasm for our lives again…or maybe for the very first time ever.

It was a series of BIG, crappy events this past Summer that prompted me to sort of take a serious step back and really look at where I was in my life as opposed to where I wanted to be.  That’s when I got the biggest gift the Universe has ever given me; I woke up one morning and realized that I didn’t need to tear up everything, I didn’t need to run off and join the proverbial circus to be happy, I just needed to quit taking my life for granted.  And that one realization literally changed everything because the moment I really faced my mortality….not in a sad sort of way but in a “Hey, what the hell are you waiting for?” sort of way, I couldn’t help but get excited enough to want to make some really fabulous changes.  The good news is that they were not big changes, and they didn’t cost a thing!  They were more like adjustments to how I chose to see everything and what I was actually looking for.  That’s the real game-changer….

I think what typically happens in life is we wind up waiting for circumstances to change for us before we decide to make any sort of a move…  We have all these big, fake contingencies lined up as a means to avoid any sort of accountability or movement because let’s face it, change is scary.  But I’ll tell you what…NOT changing….living a life that doesn’t make you happy, waiting for someone else to give you permission to change your circumstances….well if you ask me, that’s even scarier.  Sitting there and telling ourselves that we will change anything ONLY when something else happens first is sort of a BS fear based way of saying “nope, not ready, but thanks anyway.”  Haven’t we lived that way long enough?

I could give you a list of reasons not to enjoy and be passionate about your life as it is in this exact moment or I can gently place my hands on your shoulders, look you in the eye and say, “sweetie….isn’t the mere fact that you’re breathing on your own something to celebrate?” 

I have to be honest with you, I know a lot of people who are going to read that statement and say, “yea, but…..I don’t have enough money, I hate my job, my partner left me, my parents didn’t treat me well, it’s Monday…..”  The list goes on and on. 

I know that a lot of us have been through some horrible STUFF….we feel beat up and broken, we feel frustrated, disappointed, sad and just plain exhausted.  Even worse yet, some have gotten so used to the dissatisfaction of life we just don’t feel anything.  But that does not need to be how we feel today, that doesn’t need to define who we get to be NOW or how we feel NOW.  All of that STUFF is our HISTORY!!!  All that STUFF, even though it feels like its with you today is YESTERDAY’S emotional trash and it’s time to leave it at the curb.  You don’t have to carry it around with you anymore.

Contrary to what you might have been telling yourself or have been lead to believe, none of that garbage could be further from what this life is supposed to be about.  Being passionate about your life is as simple as how you choose to see your world; in other words, one conscious choice in either direction and it’s the dawn of a whole new day.  Seriously.  If you wake up every day expecting bad things and bad people to happen to you, then that’s exactly what you will get because it’s all you’re capable of seeing.  If you go out into the world looking for devils, then all you will ever see is devils. 

But what if you wake up every day looking for the very best of life?  What if the first thing you do before you even put one foot on the floor is just take a breath and say THANK YOU?  What if the next thing you do after that is look outside…. Do you see trees?  Flowers?  Snow?  Look at it…..really LOOK at it and see the intrinsic beauty in every single part of it and don’t take one thing that you see for granted.  Some people are not fortunate enough to actually SEE any of it….but you are.  Say thank you!  Enjoy all if it!

This is where being passionate about your life starts.  One simple decision to look at things differently or maybe SEE things for the very first time, literally has enough power to change everything!   

It does not matter one tiny bit what your life looks like right now, the fact of the matter is that you….YES, YOU…were born with a divinely charged magic wand that holds so much power it can fundamentally alter the entire course of your life.  It can even help you to lead by example and potentially help someone else to change their life too….it’s called perception and it’s been your birthright all along.

How do you choose to use your power of perception today?  We certainly aren’t guaranteed a life free of set-backs or heartache or let-downs….but HOW you choose to process what happens is what matters…. You always have the ability to see things as happening TO you or FOR you but nobody can make that choice BUT you.

We really don’t know how long our life line is do we?  Doesn’t it make more sense to do our best to look for the magic and the miracles in the “mundane” versus waiting for what we perceive to be the BIG events?  What if you decided that the breath you just took IS the really big stuff?  I know it sounds super simplistic….and I know from personal experience that it’s not always easy to see the good during what can sometimes feel like a mountain of obstacles, but the work is worth it.  Have you ever actually climbed a mountain of obstacles?  The view on the way up and over those obstacles is absolutely amazing!  Everything so much shinier and even the shadows have no choice but to shrink a bit when bathed in so much light!!

Fall in love with your life today….love it unconditionally and with all your heart and soul no matter what it looks like right now…. Don’t wait one more minute…. You deserve that….you really do and you’re always just one decision away from knowing it.  My sincerest hope is that today is the day you decide to embrace and celebrate your beautiful life and be passionate about it just because you can! 
Wishing you bliss and blessings,
All images and text are the property of Heather Hanson and may not be copied or reproduced without express written consent.

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