Wednesday, January 3, 2018

DIvine You

Some days are for remembering the truth of who you are…..who you were before the world chimed in and told you who it expected you to be.

Whether you remember it or not, we are each Divine beings cut from the same beautiful quilt of humanity. You and I are made up of every conceivable reflection and version of ourselves that ever was or ever will be.  Regardless of what your life has looked like or what you have believed to be true about your SELF, the one certainty in your existence is that YOU are truly divine. 

Your connection to that divinity can never be severed… can never be taken away from you, it is the essence of who you are.  Long before you were even a prayer on someone’s heart or a fleeting wish, you were a divine spark of potential.  That light constantly glows deep within you and make no mistake, no matter what you do, or what you have been told, that light, that divine spark can never be extinguished or taken away from you.

Sadly and for so many of us, the longer we are “here” the more we begin to believe that our spark simply doesn’t exist or that it is somehow damaged..  We start to feel afraid that who we authentically are is simply not enough, so we do what we think we need to in order to fit in and blend.  We become whatever we must just to feel like we’re a part of something and that we have a connection to the people around us.  So without a clue as to what we’re doing, at a very young age we begin to create masks for ourselves. 

At first we don’t create them intentionally, we don’t even really know that we’re doing it, we just sort of hide behind whatever it is that helps us fit in the best.  Most of us are terrified of being the kid left alone on the playground at recess so we intentionally shrink ourselves a bit; we dim our own divine light just enough that  the other kids will like us.  The moment we realize it’s working, is the moment we have created our first mask.

Over the journey of many years we become certain that it feels good to wear our masks. At some point we almost convince ourselves that we are in fact, truly the person behind the disguise.  Think about the last costume party you attended. Initially that alter-ego masquerade mask is exciting and perhaps a bit liberating as we put it on and step into a version of ourselves we’ve always wanted to experience.  But then as the evening wears on the mask begins to itch, we can’t enjoy the food, the drinks or even the character we were trying to be because the mask has now become a hinderance, a burden, and a distraction that leaves us unable to focus on anything else.  When we can’t take it anymore, we finally pull it off, leave it on a coffee table somewhere when nobody is looking and as we do, we exhale a sigh of relief because we are free. 

I think many of us forgot a long time ago that life was never designed to be a costume party.  Unfortunately, as we get older and understand a bit more about how the world works, we start to see what masks we need to create in order to fit in, to get the job, the promotion, the friends, the significant other.  We start to see what sort of masks make us more likable, more popular, more loveable, more accepted.  And so, layer after layer, with each mask we create, we move further away from the divine authentic nature of who we truly are.  We become a constantly changing version of who we believe we are supposed to be.  We are exhausted, we are confused, and we don’t understand why we can’t quite get comfortable in our own skin. 
Our ego doesn’t understand this level of discomfort because all it wants to do is protect us, so it wraps us in more and more layers of masks as a way of keeping us safe. Ironically, we truly believe that the more masks we wear, the less of our beautiful individuality and ourselves that we show the world, the safer we are and the better our ability to connect with those around us…. 

We tragically and constantly forget that long before we even took our first breath, we were already tethered unconditionally to one another and to our most amazing connection; the one that we have to the Divine Source of who we are. (God, Creator, Spirit or whatever name you identify as the Creator of all things).  That Source created you perfectly in his/her image with unlimited possibility, individuality and potential.  You were never intended to be like anybody else.  You were not created so that you could eventually shrink who you are to fit in or to blend.  You were created to shine out loud in your own luminous humanity of endless colors.  You are, at your most authentic, exactly who you are supposed to be.

Can you imagine what it would feel like to live in the space of THAT sort of freedom every day?  To never have to create another mask but instead to just be who you ultimately are?  What if you could really wake up every day remembering and embracing your true self?  What if you could know just how much you matter and how connected you are to every single one of us without ever having wear even one more mask?

That freedom is available right now but for most of us who have never really let the world SEE us, nothing could sound more terrifying.  Right?  Actually, I think it’s far more frightening to constantly worry about one of the masks slipping off or someone seeing past it before we believe we are ready. The stress of all those masks hardly seems worth the effort when the reality is that you have absolutely nothing to hide.

Let’s be honest, most of humanity is made up of people who have been creating masks for themselves too.  Much like you, they didn’t know they had a choice, they just assumed that if you saw them without their masks you wouldn’t like them either.  They too forgot all about their divine nature. 

 The simplest truth is that the moment you decide to listen to the voice that has always been with you everything changes.  The instant you finally hear the voice that keeps tugging at your heart trying to get you to re-member who you are will be the precise moment that every mask you have ever created will simultaneously cease to exist. You and everything that was ever intended for you will be free. 

What if today is that day?  The choice has been yours all along.  Itchy, scratchy tedious masks or blissful, happy, light-as-a-cloud divine freedom?  Choose wisely!
Wishing you bliss and blessings,
all images and text C 2018

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